Attention needed

Hello! I'm professional voice over artist available for commercial work, explainer videos, e-learning, phone messaging, and more. I have a neutral American accent and I produce broadcast-quality audio fast. If you need your voiceover done RIGHT, please reach out! I have been doing voiceover since 2009 and work with clients all over the globe, and I'd love to work with YOU. A little more about me: My voice is exceptional at sounding bright, approachable, confident, articulate, believable, and professional. I pride myself on being easy to work with and taking direction very well. I live an hour north of Boston with my husband, two small boys, and two kitties. If you're interested in my voiceover services and would like a free custom audition from part of your script before making your decision, just ask. I love working with new clients and would be thrilled to hear about your project.
More detailed information about this user
- Fullname
- Meghan Cofer
- Level
- Recommended
- Member since
- June 18, 2024
User list of skills and hobbies
List of languages I speak
American English